You Don’t Have to Believe in God

I have to be honest and admit that I sometimes chuckle when I hear statements like, “Well that’s not the kind of God I believe in.”  My reaction to this is…as if.   As if…granting there is a God….or if you want…gods…his (or okay…her) nature could be modified based on our belief.  As if…we have that much control over anything…because if we did…wouldn’t we make our lives much different from how they are (or at least somewhat different)?  As if…we can presume to have any idea about how God SHOULD behave or what He SHOULD look like…because we have that kind of omniscience.   As if…we would want a God that can be affected by our fickle desires, by our wants…by our whims.  As if…God doesn’t chuckle when He hears someone say, “That’s not the kind of God I believe in.”