Move Me to Your “More”

You certainly can’t read today’s Gospel, and walk away feeling anything but conviction….at least I can’t. Jesus doesn’t hold back and leaves no ambiguity.

Much will be required of the person entrusted with much,
and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.

Whatever I am doing, whatever good I manage to allow God to do through me, there is more. More that God wants to do in me and through me. More that He’s already gifted me to do. And so it begs the question…what’s my problem? Why am I not doing more? God has blessed me so abundantly. He has been so incredibly patient with me all these years as I rebelled and struggled and backslid and failed. He has always “believed” in me…and in who I can be. He knows my potential…because He created it…He wove it into me. But still…as wayward as I am…He continues to bless me…continues to call to me…continues to meet me the moment I turn back to Him…and away from sin. And yet…

I can do more…I can be more. I want to do more. I want to be more. All that is left is just doing it. I have to stop making all the excuses. I have to stop procrastinating. All I need to do is move…is begin…is take the first step. He will point the way, and open my eyes, and give me the strength I need. He’ll do all the hard work. I just need to obey.

Just recently I watched “The Blind Side” again…and again I was moved by the simple obedience…the lack of hesitation Mrs. Tuohy demonstrated. She didn’t analyze and plan and weigh the options and consider the consequences. She just acted. She saw the need in this one boy (Michael Oher)…and knew in her soul that she could help…that she should help…and so she did. It was that simple. And that was just one person helping one other person. What if we all obeyed God’s promptings like that? All of His promptings? What if we all just “did” and didn’t worry about ourselves? What if that is how I lived?

Father, forgive me for doing so little for so long. You have blessed me with so very much. You have continually poured out Your love on me…and I have hidden it under the bushel. Infuse me with Your Spirit…wipe away my laziness. Move me to the “More” You have for me. Let me see where I can share Your love. Open my eyes to how I can obey. Make my life about You…not about me. I know I am weak…but I also know that You are strong…and I am strong through You. Your Spirit has convicted me…now lead me in Your will. From this moment forward I want to live in Your More. Please hear me, Father…this is my heart’s cry.